

"Take the choice, use your voice, make some noise!" / We Won't Stop Singing / © Fischy Music 2020

Children's Mental Health Week

Monday, 06 February 2023

We've created a new Health & Wellbeing Playlist on Fischy Music Online, with songs to support this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week theme: Let’s Connect, which is taking place from 6 - 12th February.

Subscribers to Fischy Music Online can access these songs, which will automatically play one after another.

We’ve included 11 songs that nurture healthy connections to family, friends and others, to help support teaching about relationships and children’s wellbeing. For the full song pages, with Teacher Notes, audio tracks and ‘Learn the Song’ videos, click the following and scroll down:

If your school don't have a subscription, sign up here and get instant access to over 100 Health & Wellbeing songs and teaching resources that all your staff can use.