

"Take the choice, use your voice, make some noise!" / We Won't Stop Singing / © Fischy Music 2020

Help us make our NEW leavers video!

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Our brand new leavers song, 'Moving on to a Bigger World' is coming soon to Fischy Music Online.

We're asking our Fischy Music Online subscribers to email us photos of their Primary 7 and Year 6 leavers for us to include in our brand new song video!

All you need to do is:

  1. Email info@fischy.com attaching two photos of your Primary 7 / Year 6 Leavers
    - 1 current photo and 1 younger photo 

  2. All photos should be high resolution and landscape format

  3. Remember to get parent/carer permission and fill our your details and return this form

Deadline for photos is 28th April 2022. Thank you!

The new song and video will be added to Fischy Music Online by the start of May, so you can include it in your Leavers Celebrations and Assemblies. 

Listen to the song trailer below.