Essentially this is a song about behaviour choices. It encourages children to think about how they show their different moods and attitudes and how this affects their friendships.
This song gives a safe and fun way of exploring the emotion of anger.
How we can all make a positive difference in our own lives, other people’s lives and our communities by how we choose to think and behave.
This song is about feelings and letting children know that it is ok to cry. Sometimes it helps to cry when you are feeling sad. Crying can make you feel better. Crying lets people know how you feel.
A lilting and gentle song encouraging us to reflect on memories of special people and special times.
This song calls God’s people to worship and reminds them of his faithfulness and love. It is one of the more confessional of all Fischy Music’s songs.
Based on ‘We shall overcome’, a well-known protest song, this is a rousing 'assembly anthem' to encourage children that it is possible to overcome difficulties and problems in their lives.
A modified version of the old rhyme – “sticks and stones will break your bones, silly words hurt more” – the power of hurtful words.
A very gentle, peaceful song inviting us to come to a quiet place and take time out from the noise and busyness of everyday life.
A big full on rock song expressing some of the big questions about life and where God is, particularly when people suffer.
A rock and roll song that is great fun to sing and do the actions, but it also makes us aware that we all need each other.
In Isaiah 49:16 the lovely statement is made that God has written the name of everyone on the palm of his hand. This song explores this in the context of families.
This highly popular song encourages us to build each other up, not tear down.
A gentle, thoughtful invitation to come to God as His children.
A story song of someone seeking help with their ‘big bag of worries’ – sharing these worries with someone you trust and who really listens makes all the difference.
A feel good song to a well-known tune that affirms the physical, emotional and mental benefits of singing.
A rap style song that reminds us that it is essential that when sensitive things are shared in a group, we keep them in the group.
An unplugged version of an energetic Sticky Kids and Fischy collaboration. Please note this is an audio-only track, with a still image video.
This song was written and performed by pupils from Forthview Primary School as part of the Building Resilience programme. For more details on the Building Resilience programme see
A light hearted look at the church with a distinctive Scottish musical flavour.