

"Look around you what do you see, creativity!" / Creativity / © Fischy Music 2000
Teachers, families and those who work with children tell us frequently about how valuable our ‘real life’ songs are, giving them a vocabulary to address issues, explore the challenges they face and their emotional response to them. Here's one teacher's approach to using songs in class at the start and end of the day, and with EL learners:

As part of our 20th anniversary, we did some research into the long term effects of our work with participants - including 375 young adults (18 - 25 years) who had experienced Fischy Music when at primary school, and 247 current primary school teachers. The following areas of impact on improving wellbeing were:

  • Experiences of fun and inclusion
  • Development of self esteem and resilience
  • Understanding, recognising and naming emotions
  • Managing loss and grief
  • Caring for others

Our songs and resources are used daily in thousands of schools, families and community settings across the UK and beyond.

“The impact Fischy Music Online resources has on schools is invaluable to Health and Wellbeing, as well as the wider benefits that music brings, socially, academically and mentally, with head teachers reporting an improved school ethos and children singing songs happily to themselves in the playground or as they move around the school.” 
Suzanne Jackson, Fife Youth Music Initiative Co-ordinator 

"I was a fairly mixed-up child, around the time I first encountered Fischy (age 10 or so). I was happy around friends, but sad and lonely a lot of the time, and Fischy helped me express both and know that they were both ok." 
Young adult, Fischy Impact Survey

“Fischy Music songs open an emotional door allowing children to have the confidence to discuss issues and problems that we might otherwise not pick up on.”
Teacher and Health & Wellbeing Co-ordinator, St Philomena’s Primary School in Glasgow

“Staff, parents and other pupils were very moved by this song, and everyone agreed that it had helped the children enormously when dealing with their grief”.
Headteacher, Royston Primary School, Glasgow

“Thank you as always for the amazing songs for schools that Fischy Music produce. Your songs are sung daily in our class/school and the children very much enjoy them.”
Julie Harris, Reception Class Teacher, Langho St Leonard's Church of England Primary School

“Your songs are built into the everyday lives of many of our children in the primary department at our school. They give reassurance, stability and develop emotional intelligence not to mention generate great enjoyment too.”
Head Teacher 

“We are a school with a subscription to your service and as such your songs feature strongly in our curriculum, not only because of the wonderful benefits we enjoy of singing together but because the themes and messages of the lyrics resonate with our school values and ethos that that we promote.”
Head Teacher

“Fischy Music is a pivotal resource in supporting the wellbeing of pupils in my school. The songs that we use in assemblies and classes address a wide range of relevant themes for our school community including loss, feelings and change. The online songs are easy to learn and are accessible for all learners through the videos, actions and sign language and are enhanced and extended through the health and wellbeing resources that further support the themes. I love the fact that there are new songs added all the time, often written by pupils themselves through workshops and projects.”
Richard Napier, Head Teacher

“The songs helped me understand more feelings and overcome lots of fears and I am very thankful for them.”

“Fischy songs helped my daughter a lot when we went through some really hard times as a family; her brother had cancer. We listened to songs about difficult times, sad emotions and being strong and they really helped.” 

“My own children always loved Fischy Music - they are 40, 38 and 30 and now their own children enjoy it! Fischy Music is the magical gift that keeps on giving throughout the generations and it’s enjoyed today as much as always.”
Parent/Grandparent and Early Years Teacher

Fischy Music Online, our digital song streaming platform, reaches thousands of children in schools and churches, giving access to Fischy sing-along song videos, audio tracks and extensive teaching resources. An annual subscription gives all teachers unlimited access to our newest songs as well as all the Fischy favourites, like 'Build Up' and 'You Are a Star'!