Parent and Carer Information
Thursday, 21 May 2020
Fischy songs are woven into the everyday life of children in thousands of schools across the UK and beyond. They help support our children’s emotional and mental wellbeing, bring hope, comfort and humour and remind children of their innate value.
In this uncertain time, children and those who care for them, are facing significant challenges to their mental wellbeing and sense of belonging. Fischy Music is here to support you in the good times as well as tough times.
If you are a parent/carer looking to access our songs at home during the school closures we are here for you:
- Monday morning assembly on YouTube: Thousands of families are joining in our Fischy Assemblies. 20-30 minutes to get you singing, moving and feeling good. Tune in at 11AM on Monday mornings or watch at any time that suits you:

- FischyTunes: Our music video website for children. Fischy favourites, songs written with children and exclusive music videos! All free at
- Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music (and other streaming platforms): Pop on our “Twenty Years of Fischy Music” album on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music or wherever you stream your music.
Fischy Music Online: Check your messages from your school – many are sharing their subscription to Fischy Music Online with parents and carers. You can contact your school to check if they have a subscription and will share log in details. This is our website for schools and has a huge range of resources to accompany over 100 Fischy song videos.
- We Won’t Stop Singing: over 100 of you submitted videos to be part of the Fischy Lockdown Band! Keep your eyes peeled for the final video by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube @fischymusic.
If you are a school, church or organisation looking for guidance on how to use or songs during lockdown, see OR to subscribe to Fischy Music Online, then please visit our shop or email us at and we will be happy to process your order.