Check It
A rap style song encouraging children to treat other people well on social media and on the Internet.
A rap-style song saying that we all have creativity that can be expressed in different ways.
I Can Choose (ages 3-7)
This song is about making good choices.
I'm the Only I (ages 3-7)
This song is about how unique and special we are.
Telling Our Stories
Exploring some of the mixed emotions we can feel when we are asked to share in a group about difficult memories or situations.
This Is How I'm Feeling
A pop style song that explores a range of emotions in a fun way, the same words are sung in each verse but the style of music changes to reflect the emotion.
We Can Do Good
Three simple stories of people who did a good turn for someone, in a 50’s rock and roll style.
We Will Find a Way
Based on ‘We shall overcome’, a well-known protest song, this is a rousing 'assembly anthem' to encourage children that it is possible to overcome difficulties and problems in their lives.
We Wish You Well
A simple ‘blessing’ song that starts quietly and thoughtfully and turns into a lively Bluegrass-style sing song by the end.
We Won't Stop Singing (with Health & Wellbeing resources)
Originally written about Climate change, but as the pandemic hit our country it has become a song giving children the opportunity to express some of the emotions they may be feeling in a positive way.
We're All Together Again (ages 3-7)
This song gives children a sense of being part of a group and that each child is valued.
Welcome Everybody (with Health & Wellbeing resources)
Everyone is welcome and important to the gathering, no matter who they are.
What Kind of World Are We Passing On
A Motown style song challenging us to make a positive difference to our world for the sake of future generations.
Yes We Can! (ages 3-7)
This song is about going for goals and having the sense that we are able to accomplish things in our lives.
Speak Up (with Health & Wellbeing resources)
A protest song, written by Fischy Music with Christian Aid, to give children permission and a voice to speak and sing up for what they believe is right and fair.