Make a Difference
How we can all make a positive difference in our own lives, other people’s lives and our communities by how we choose to think and behave.
We Won't Stop Singing (with Health & Wellbeing resources)
Originally written about Climate change, but as the pandemic hit our country it has become a song giving children the opportunity to express some of the emotions they may be feeling in a positive way.
What Kind of World Are We Passing On
A Motown style song challenging us to make a positive difference to our world for the sake of future generations.
There's Only One (with Health & Wellbeing resources)
An anthemic pop track that celebrates the beautiful and fragile world that we all share, and encourages us to protect it. Written by the Fischy songwriting team, with guidance on lyrics and style from P7’s at Inverkeithing Primary.
Speak Up (with Health & Wellbeing resources)
A protest song, written by Fischy Music with Christian Aid, to give children permission and a voice to speak and sing up for what they believe is right and fair.
We're the Land of Scots
A new Scottish anthem for children in Scotland, which celebrates cultural diversity and all things Scottish! From the youngest to the oldest, we can help each other and celebrate being here together.