Tiny Little Seed (with Health & Wellbeing resources)
A story song reflecting on new life coming out of death.
Busy Christmas (with Health & Wellbeing resources)
A fun song that starts with all the frantic activity of Christmas and ends with an opportunity to stop and quietly reflect on who is at the centre of it all.
A feel good song that is ideal for Seasons for Growth celebration events. Also a great song that can be used at other times of celebration.
Get Going (ages 3-7)
A functional song for when tidying up or to get children moving.
Going on a Journey (ages 3-7)
This song is about changes, moving on and how other people are with us on these ‘journeys’.
I'm the Only I (ages 3-7)
This song is about how unique and special we are.
My Old Friend Tears (ages 3-7)
This song is about feelings and letting children know that it is ok to cry. Sometimes it helps to cry when you are feeling sad. Crying can make you feel better. Crying lets people know how you feel.
My Teddy Bear (ages 3-7)
This gentle song reinforces how important it is for children just to know that someone is there (even if that person, animal or favourite cuddle toy can’t actually make things better).
My Teddy Bear (ages 3-7) (Acoustic version)
An acoustic version of the Sticky Kids/Fischy Music classic lullaby. Please note this is an audio-only track, with a still image video.
No Matter What
This song is a conversation between a child and their significant adult, and sensitively tackles the question of whether love continues after someone dies. This song is very emotive but also uplifting.
Precious Memories
A lilting and gentle song encouraging us to reflect on memories of special people and special times.
Relax (ages 3-7)
Relax helps children to feel comfortable and encourages them to use their imagination to go to relaxing places.
This Is How I'm Feeling
A pop style song that explores a range of emotions in a fun way, the same words are sung in each verse but the style of music changes to reflect the emotion.
Yes We Can! (ages 3-7)
This song is about going for goals and having the sense that we are able to accomplish things in our lives.
In My Own World (ages 3-7)
This song gives children time out to relax and be 'in their own world' reflecting on things that calm them and makes them feel safe.