I Can Clap My Hands (ages 3-7)
This song encourages children to think about how feelings look on the outside and how they feel on the inside.
I Can Clap My Hands (ages 3-7) (Acoustic version)
An unplugged version of an energetic Sticky Kids and Fischy collaboration. Please note this is an audio-only track, with a still image video.
Nobody Loves Me (ages 3-7)
This song is about feeling left out, isolated or bullied and how children might respond when they are feeling that way.
Precious Memories
A lilting and gentle song encouraging us to reflect on memories of special people and special times.
This Is How I'm Feeling
A pop style song that explores a range of emotions in a fun way, the same words are sung in each verse but the style of music changes to reflect the emotion.
Who Wants a Friend like Snorty Bull? (ages 3-7)
Essentially this is a song about behaviour choices. It encourages children to think about how they show their different moods and attitudes and how this affects their friendships.
Who Wants a Friend like Snorty Bull? (ages 3-7) (Acoustic version)
Guitar and fiddle version of a fun song exploring friendship. Please note this is an audio-only track, with a still image video.
Growing (ages 3-7)
This song explores the changing seasons with the reality that we are physically, emotionally and socially changing and growing from the minute that we are born.